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Burrowing Owls Genus Classification Updated


Burrowing Owl's Genus Classification Updated

Latest Ornithological Research

New Genus Placement for Athene Noctua

The burrowing owl (Athene noctua), previously classified in the genus Speotyto, has been reclassified into the genus Athene. This change was proposed by ornithologists based on recent genetic studies and was approved by the International Ornithological Committee (IOC).

The burrowing owl is a small nocturnal bird of prey found in North and South America. It is known for its distinctive burrowing behavior, nesting in underground burrows created by other animals, such as prairie dogs or ground squirrels. The burrowing owl is also known for its distinctive "hoo-hoo" call.

The reclassification of the burrowing owl into the genus Athene aligns it with other small, nocturnal owls, such as the little owl (Athene noctua) and the spotted owl (Athene brama). These owls share similar ecological niches and behavioral characteristics, making the new classification more taxonomically consistent.

